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Image / The Review, February 1906

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The Review, February 1906
Sacramento High School
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Sacramento Public Library
Sacramento Yearbook Project
Rights Information
This image may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17 U.S.C.). Copyright restrictions applying to the reproduction and use of this image are available from the Sacramento Public Library
Sacramento High School is located at 2315 Thirty-Fourth Street in Sacramento, California. Founded just one week after San Francisco’s Lowell High School opened its doors in mid-August 1856, “Sac High” has matured into the second oldest high school west of the Mississippi River. With its original 1864 graduating class numbering but two, by 1930, Sacramento High would gain further distinction as the largest three-year high school west of the Mississippi River with a student body swelling to nearly 4,000. SHS settled into its longest-standing and current home in 1924, at 2315 Thirty-Fourth Street. Prior to that, the school had locations at Ninth and M Streets and Eighteenth and K Streets. Sac High’s notable alumni include Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, late journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Herb Caen, and Progressive leader and the twenty-third Governor of California, Hiram Johnson. Represented by the purple and white-clad “Duncan the Dragon,” Sacramento High School’s heritage came claim an exceptional educational, extracurricular and athletic heritage touching three centuries.
35; 1906-1919

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