Ives, Brayton, 1840-1914, former owner Hoe, Robert, 1839-1909, former owner Lortic, Marcelin, 1822-1892, binder Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Manuscript. HM 1134
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ff. 1-224v. [Book of Hours]: ff. 1-12v: Calendar in French in red and black; ff. 13-41v: Long hours of the Holy Spirit; f. 42r-v, ruled, but blank; ff. 43-51: Pericope from John, the Obsecro te, and the Seven Verses of St. Gregory; ff. 51-58v: Office of the Conception of the BVM; ff. 59-115v: Hours of the Virgin, use of Rome; ff. 116-120: Short hours of the Cross; ff. 120v-121v, ruled, but blank; ff. 122-141v: Penitential psalms and litany; ff. 142-187v: Office of the Dead, use of Rome; ff. 188-198: Suffrages of Barbara and of Christopher and other prayers; ff. 199-206: Passion according to John, and prayers; f. 206v, ruled, but blank; ff. 207-224v: prayers, suffrages of Michael, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, Nicholas, Claude, Anthony abbot, Roch, Anne, Catherine of Alexandria, Margaret, Barbara, Mary Magdalene, Genevieve, and additional prayers. Book of Hours, use of Rome, written in the middle of the fifteenth century in Flanders or northern France, to judge by the prominence given to Vedast in the calendar; note the spellings mikiel, berthelemieu, franche, franchois. Span folios: ff. 1-224v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1-2⁶ 3-5⁸ 6⁶(through f. 42) 7-9⁸ 10⁶ 11¹⁰ 12⁸ 13-16⁶ 17⁶(+ a leaf in the second half) 18⁸ 19¹⁰ 20¹² 21⁶(through f. 157) 22-24⁸ 25⁶(through f. 187) 26¹⁰ 27⁴ 28⁴(+5, f. 206) 29-30⁸ 31². Catchwords only on those quires where the second scribe was at work (7-8, 22-23, 29-31) written vertically along the inner bounding line. Ruled space, 72 x 44 mm; 15 long lines ruled in pale red ink, or, in the areas written by the second scribe, in a clear red ink. Written by 2 scribes: i, ff. 1-41v, 59-157v and 174-206 in a liturgical gothic book hand; ii, ff. 43-58v, 158-174 and 207-224v in a more widely spaced gothic book hand. The 2 scribes divide at quire breaks except on the middle of f. 174, the first leaf of the 24th quire. Decoration: Twenty large miniatures in camaïeu gris above 4 lines of text. Major initials, 5- or 4-line, in pink or blue, on gold grounds with trilobe leaf infilling; 2-line initials are in the same style. 1-line initials in blue with pink, or in gold with black flourishing; some 1-line cadelled initials on the top line with flourishing into the upper margins, sometimes washed in yellow or forming grotesque faces; initials within the text washed in yellow. Ribbon line fillers in pink, blue and gold segments; rubrics in bright orange-red. In the sections written by the second scribe: 3-line initials in red or blue with void white design, and possibly with simple penwork infilling of the other color; plain 2- and 1-line initials alternating red and blue; initials in the text washed in yellow; some decorative flourishes on the ascenders of the top line, occasionally touched with color; line fillers in either red or blue penwork; rubrics in red. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 9/13/2009. Cataloged from existing description: C. W. Dutschke with the assistance of R. H. Rouse et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, 1989). Bound by Lortic in red morocco with black inlay and gold tooling, including a satyrface; marble under the gilt edges; dark brown morocco slipcase. HM 1134. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
ff. i + iii + 224 + ii + i : parchment ; 90 x 122 mm.
Belonged to Brayton Ives; his sale, American Art Association, New York, 5 March 1891, n. 632. Belonged to Robert Hoe, Cat. (1909) pp. 37-38; his sale, Anderson, New York, 1911, pt. I, n. 2133 to G. D. Smith; G. D. Smith Cat. 1 [1911] n. 105 and Cat. [2? 1912?] p. 2 to Henry E. Huntington in April 1912.
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