This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Made accessible through a grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation and Photo Friends.
Photograph caption dated September 22, 1964 reads, "St. Anne's Melchite League will present a fashion show and luncheon at 11 a.m. Sept. 30 in the International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel. "It Leaves You Breathless" will be the theme with fashions being presented by the Broadway Valley and Topanga Plaza stores. Proceeds will go toward building expenses for the new St. Anne's Melchite Church, a Catholic Church of Byzantine Rite of Art and Culture of America. At the construction site, 11211 Moorpark St., North Hollywood, are, from left, Mmes. Frederick Frann, North Hollywood; Samuel Shalhoub, Burbank, and Joseph Fanah, North Hollywood. Mrs. Ellis Sawaya is general chairman of the event. Reservations are being accepted by Mmes. Anthony Ganmy, WEbster 6-1263; Michael Asher, NOrmandy 5-1445, and Milton Frenn, TRiangle 7-1831."
1 photographic print :b&w ;26 x 21 cm. Photographic prints
St. Anne's Hospital (Los Angeles, Calif.) St. Anne's Hospital (Los Angeles, Calif.)--Melchite League Building construction--California--San Fernando Valley Associations, institutions, etc.--California--San Fernando Valley Women--California--San Fernando Valley--Societies and clubs Fund raisers (Persons)--California--San Fernando Valley Fund raising--California--San Fernando Valley Fashion shows--California--San Fernando Valley Women--California--San Fernando Valley San Fernando Valley (Calif.) Valley Times Collection photographs
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