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Image / Large Shell Santa Claus, view 4

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Large Shell Santa Claus, view 4
Alternative Title
Eyre Powell Chamber of Commerce Photo Collection
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
View 4: A humongous Santa Claus sits in his chair holding an equally enormous book of "Records" - possibly checking his naughty and nice list. Several children with crutches and/or leg braces cluster below, most holding ballons for "Shell Motor Oil"; adults are inter-mingled among them. This larger-than-life Santa Claus was designed and built by the staff at Shell Oil Co.; the location is unknown. Santa Claus is a historical, legendary, and mythical folklore figure that is said to bring presents on Christmas Even or Christmas Day to children all over the world. In Western cultures, he is known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or simply just Santa. He is described as a fat, jolly man wearing a red coat and trousers with fluffy white cuffs and collar, a black belt, and black boots; he lives at the North Pole with his wife, Mrs. Claus. Santa makes a list of "naughty and nice" children throughout the year, then, his elves make toys, which he delivers during the night, with the aid of nine flying reindeer that pull his sleigh.
1 photograph :b&w
Photographic prints
Eyre Powell Chamber of Commerce Collection
N-001-776.4 4x5
Santa Claus
Shell Oil Company
Christmas--California--Los Angeles
Holidays--California--Los Angeles
Children--California--Los Angeles
Crutches--California--Los Angeles
Crowds--California--Los Angeles
Toys--California--Los Angeles

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