Radio The mission has also engaged in cassette production. This work carried out by the new AV Radiomissionen har også engageret sig i kassetteproduktion. Dette arbejde varetages af den nye AV-afdeling, som ledes af pastor Rabenandrasana Jean. Han får hjælp af 8 lokale korrespondenter fordelt ud over hele øen, idet kassetteproduktionen har et stærkt lokalt præg. I første omgang importeres 450 kassetteafspillere til uddeling blandt brugere (de er enten batteri- eller hånddrevne)
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
Radio The mission has also engaged in cassette production. This work carried out by the new AV department, led by Pastor Rabenandrasana Jean. He is assisted by 8 local correspondents spread out over the island, and cartridge production has a strong local flavor. At first 450 cassette players were imported for distribution to users (they are either battery or hand-operated)
Clinic Danish Missionary Society Danmission Det Danske Missionsselskab DMS Madagascar FOLDER225 Kirke og Mission Church Mission Rabenandrasana Jean Radiomission Kirke Mission
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