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Image / Mission station Kilema, Tanzania, Africa, ca. 1901-1910

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Mission station Kilema, Tanzania, Africa, ca. 1901-1910
Schanz?, 1876-1963
Date Created and/or Issued
circa 1901-1910
Publication Information
University of Southern California. Libraries
Contributing Institution
University of Southern California Digital Library
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
Rights Information
Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig e.V., Paul-List-Str. 19, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
Leipzig Mission
USC does not control copyright of the images you are interested in using, so you will need to directly contact the institutions who own the materials. For the publication or re-publication of any images originating from the Leipzig Mission, written permission must be obtained from: Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig e.V., Paul-List-Str. 19, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany; Tel. (0)341 / 99 40 600, Archive 99 40 633, Fax 99 40 690; e-mail: requesting images please include the filename (usually begins with "IMP-LPZ").--The following charges are made for the right to publish an image: - for a publication with a circulation up to 500: 10 euros, - for a publication with a circulation of 501 to 1,000: 13 euros, - for a publication with a circulation of more than 1,000 or for use in electronic media, film, television or other audivisual media: 30 euros.--Commercial use of images requires special permission and will be priced individually. Copyright belongs to the Archive. Every image published must be directly accompanied by a credit line beginning "Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig e.V., ..."; together with the reference. Payment should be made by money transfer in euros to: Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig e.V., IBAN: DE37 3506 0190 1608 7000 10, BIC: GENODED1DKD, Bank für Kirche u. Diakonie.
"Die katholische Missionsstation Kilema von Westen aus gesehen, die kleinen Punkte links Station Mamba" ("The catholic mission station Kilema as seen from west, the small dots on the left Mamba station"). Landscape view. In the foreground a hill on which Kilema station is situated. Mamba station is difficult to make out.
Johannes Schanz (1876-1963) was a priest. He worked for the Leipzig Mission in Moshi and Memba from 1901-1910.
photographic prints, 10.5 x 7.5 cm.
impa-m13520 [Legacy record ID]
Land forms
Missionary work
General views
Time Period
circa 1901-1910
Album 11
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
Photographs of the Leipzig Mission, Germany, ca.1912-1917 & ca.1924-1938

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