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Image / Julian Fisher & Satoru Tsuneishi - Monrovia High Class

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Julian Fisher & Satoru Tsuneishi - Monrovia High Class
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Monrovia Public Library
Monrovia Legacy Project
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Julian Fisher is seen in the back row, the first African American to graduate from Monrovia High School. He was the son of John I.W. Fisher, black-smith and farrier for Lucky Baldwin. He was Monrovia's first African-American police officer, after whom Julian Fisher Park is named. Satoru Tsuneishi (1888-1987) far left third row from bottom emigrated from Kochi via Santa Monica in 1907, and is the first Asian American to graduate from Monrovia High in 1914. Tsuneishi then attended one year at USC and wrote a paper against WW1. Satoru was founder of a haiku magazine in America in the 1920s and contributor to Hototogisu, a prestigious Japanese literary magazine. He wrote as Shisei Tsuneishi.
MH B3 297
Fisher, Julian
Sataru Tsuneishi
Fisher Family
Tsuneishi Family

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