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Image / Students relaxing at MacArthur Park

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Students relaxing at MacArthur Park
Alternative Title
Security Pacific National Bank Photo Collection
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Students and instructors of the Fred Archer School of Photography use MacArthur Park as a campus, especially at noon hour when they go there to eat their lunches and visit while enjoying its beauty; the school is located across the street from the park. In this photo we see clusters of students reclining on the grass. Sunbathers and boaters also frequent the park - as seen here. MacArthur Park, created in the 1880s under the name Westlake Park, was later renamed in honor of General Douglas MacArthur. By the 1890s, it was a vacation destination surrounded by luxury hotels; in the early part of the 20th Century, the area became known as the Champs Elysees of Los Angeles. MacArthur Park has been designated City of Los Angeles Historic Cultural Monument #100.
1 photograph :b&w
Photographic prints
Security Pacific National Bank Collection
L.A.-Parks-MacArthur Park.
Outdoor recreation--California--Los Angeles
Boats and boating--California--Los Angeles
Palms--California--Los Angeles
Parks--California--Los Angeles
Lakes--California--Los Angeles
Westlake (Los Angeles, Calif.)
MacArthur Park (Los Angeles, Calif.)

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