Bibelkvinderne Fru Tang til højre og Fru Shun (en af de kvinder, der blev døbt nu sidste jul) til venstre. I midten ses Kirstine Thomsen Bible Women Madam Tang to the Right and Mrs. Shun (one of the women who were baptized last Chri
Bible Women Madam Tang to the Right and Mrs. Shun (one of the women who were baptized last Christmas) to the Left. In the middle stands Kirstine Thomsen
Church Mission Danish Missionary Society Danmission Det danske Missionsselskab DMS Kirke Mission FOLDER093 Kirsten Thomsen Fru Tang Mrs. Tang Mrs. Shung Fru Shung Kirstine Thomsen Bibelkvinder Bibel Women Harbin Kina China
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