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/ Oral History of Cora Bjornstrom

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Oral History of Cora Bjornstrom
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Mrs. Cora Bjornstrom lived most of her life in Mill Valley, after her birth in 1900 in her parents' home on Hillside Avenue. She was the granddaughter of Jacob Gardner, early settler and superintendent of the Throckmorton ranch, and daughter of John Burt, manager of the Mill Valley Water District and later manager of the Marin Municipal Water District. She was a history and government teacher at Tamalpais High School prior to her marriage to Dr. Harold Bjornstrom in 1926. As she raised her two children, she was active in the Outdoor Art Club, the League of Women Voters, and the Mill Valley Forum. In her oral history, Mrs. Bjornstrom recalls home delivery of vegetables and milk, early businesses in Mill Valley, the 1906 Earthquake, the 1929 Fire and various floods. She describes traveling to San Francisco frequently to shop and attend music lessons, riding the Mountain Railroad with her father and siblings, attending dances at school and in people's homes, and hiking on Mt. Tam.
Bjornstrom, Harold
Bjornstrom, John
Burt, John
Cushing, Mrs
Gardner, Caspar
Gardner, Jacob
Hargens, George
Hillside Drive, Mill Valley
Jones, Barbara Bjornstrom
Lapham, Roger
League of Women Voters
McClungen (Colonel)
Outdoor Art Club
Stocking, Gene
Tamalpais High School
Thompson, Margaret
Throckmorton Avenue
Voting rights
Water companies
Water use

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