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ff. 1-120v [Book of Hours]: ff. 1-11v: Calendar in French, missing the month of January; f. 12r-v, blank; ff. 13-14: the 10 and the 5 Commandements in French; ff. 14-22v: Passion according to John; f. 23r-v, blank; ff. 24-29v: Pericopes of the Gospels; ff. 29v-32v: Short hours of the Cross; ff. 32v-34v: Short hours of the Holy Spirit, defective at the end; ff. 35-67: Hours of the Virgin, use of Amiens; leaves missing between ff. 52-53 and 57-58; ff. 67v-80: Penitential psalms and litany; ff. 80v-100: Office of the Dead with 3 lessons at matins; ff. 100v-120: Obsecro te, O Intemerata (both with masculine forms), and other prayers, several with long rubrics in French and one with feminine forms, and a suffrage of Nicholas. f. 120v blank. Book of Hours written at the turn of the fifteenth century for use in Amiens. Span folios: ff. 1-120v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1⁶(-1) 2⁶ 3⁸ 4⁴(through f. 23) 5⁸ 6⁸(-4, before f. 35) 7⁸ 8⁸(-7, before f. 53) 9⁸(-5, before f. 58) 10-16⁸ 17⁴. Some evidence of signatures on ff. 12-14 (?). Ruled space, 115 x 83 mm; 16 long lines, ruled in brown-black ink; some pricking visible in the outer margin. Written in a Bâtarde script. Decoration: Sixteen miniatures of mechanical execution remain, usually enclosed by square painted gold strips; outer border around the text and miniature of white and colored acanthus leaves, and various flowers on a thin wash of gold. 4-, 3- and 2-line initials as shaded ribbons or white branches against painted gold grounds infilled with naturalistic flowers; 1-line initials in painted gold on alternating blue or brown-red square grounds; ribbon line fillers in the same colors; initials within the text touched in yellow; rubrics in brownish-red. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 10/13/2009. Cataloged from existing description: C. W. Dutschke with the assistance of R. H. Rouse et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, 1989). Bound in late 19th century Spanish stamped calf. HM 1167. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
Books of hours France 16th century. (aat) Illuminations (Painting) France 16th century. (aat) Manuscripts (documents) (aat)
Manuscripts, Huntington Digital Library
From the collection of Ricardo Heredia y Livermore, Count of Benahavis, whose book label with the monogram R. H. is on the front pastedown; according to a note in Spanish on f. i, Heredia believed the book to have come from the library of the Marques of Isasi; Heredia sale, Paris, 22 May 1891, pt. I, n. 85 to Tumin. Source and date of acquisition by Henry E. Huntington unknown.
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