Bychkov, A.M., deputy editor-in-chief Бычков, А.М., deputy editor-in-chief Zhidkov, M.Ia., editorial board member Жидков, М.Я., editorial board member Mitskevich, A.I., editorial board member Мицкевич, А.И., editorial board member Gnida, I.S., editorial board member Гнида, И.С., editorial board member Kulikov, V.G., secretary Куликов, В.Г., secretary Trubina, V.M., editorial board member Трубина, В.М., editorial board member Ivanov, Il'ya Grigor'evich, editor Иванов, Илья Григорьевич, editor
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Moscow, Russia University of Southern California. Libraries Vsesoyuznogo Soveta Yevangel'skikh Khristian-Baptistov; All-Union Council of Evangelical Christians-Baptists Всесоюзного Совета Евангельских Христиан-Баптистов Москва, Россия
Contact: Oleg Bornovolokov, Library, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, UETS, 57 Gamarnika St. Kiev-04075, Ukraine Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary. Library of UETS or
Bratskiy vestnik, 1974, no. 1 = [Brotherly herald], 1974, no. 1. Journal of the All-Union Council of Evangelical Christians and Baptists. [Description English/roman)] Братский вестник, 1974, № 1. журнал Всесоюзного Совета Евангельских Христиан и Баптистов. [Description (original non-English/roman language/script)]
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