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Image / Earl B. Gilmore adobe, side view

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Earl B. Gilmore adobe, side view
Alternative Title
Security Pacific National Bank Photo Collection
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
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Title supplied by cataloger.
Earl Bell Gilmore (1887-1964), whose family had owned the land surrounding the corner of Third and Fairfax in Los Angeles since 1880, was a legendary entrepreneur who with his father (Arthur F. Gilmore) built Gilmore Oil Company, the largest distributor of petroleum products in the Western U.S. He is noted with having invented the self-serve gas station, the "gas-a-teria", where customers saved .05 cents per gallon by filling their own tanks. Gilmore also built Gilmore Field, and Gilmore Stadium, as well as turning the family dairy farm into one of the world's most beloved destinations, the original Farmer's Market. In 1944, Gilmore's 1,200 filling stations became Mobil stations.
Exterior view of Rancho La Brea adobe, located in the vicinity of 3rd Street and Fairfax Avenue. The adobe was built in 1852 by sheriff James Thompson, on land owned by Portuguese sailor Antonio Rocha. The home was later purchased by Earl B. Gilmore in 1901.
1 photographic print :b&w ;21 x 26 cm.
Photographic prints
Security Pacific National Bank Collection
L.A.-Adobes-Gilmore.; N-001-465 8x10
Adobe houses--California--Los Angeles
Dwellings--California--Los Angeles
Ranches--California--Los Angeles
Rocha, Antonio,1791?-1840
Thompson, James
Gilmore, Earl Bell
La Brea Rancho (Calif.)

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