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Color-coded map shows 108 regions where approximately 1000 Japanese Americans resided in Military Area 1 and 2, an area comprised of the state of California as well as the Western half of the states Arizona, Oregon, and Washington. Also included are the evacuation orders for each region and more detailed views of major metropolitan areas: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle. The mapping of these regions were used to evacuate residents to Temporary Assembly Centers and ultimately incarceration camps. "Explanatory note: This is number I of a series of three maps. It shows the areas from which all persons of Japanese ancestry were evacuated by the army in satisfaction of the impelling military necessity created by total war with Japan.Above in distinctive colors are the 108 exclusion areas, each contatining and evacuee population unit of approximately 1000 persons. The basis for determining these areas were: control of movement, character of population, preservation of community and family units. Between March 24 and June 6 nearly 100,000 persons were evacuated from Military Area I. More than 9,000 were evacuated from Military Area 2 of California from July 4 to August 11, 1942." The War Relocation Authority (WRA), together with the Wartime Civil Control Administration (WCCA), the Civil Affairs Division (CAD) and the Office of the Commanding General (OFG) of the Western Defense Command (WDC) operated together to segregate and house some 110,000 men women and children from 1942 to 1945. The collection contains documents and photographs relating to the establishment and administrative workings of the (WDC), the (WRA) and the (WCCA) for the year 1942.
Geographic communities--Washington Geographic communities--California Geographic communities--Oregon Geographic communities--Arizona Race and racism--Discrimination World War II--Mass removal ('Evacuation') Immigration and citizenship--Law and legislation--Discriminatory laws
California Arizona Oregon Washington
San Jose State University Department of Special Collections and Archives
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