Contact: Oleg Bornovolokov, Library, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, UETS, 57 Gamarnika St. Kiev-04075, Ukraine Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary. Library of UETS or
E.A. Voronaev, appeal letter (2 copies), 1958 October 1, Odessa, Ukraine, to all churches of CFE (Christians of Faith Evangelical) which were out of unity. It was reprinted to be spread in all churches. [Description English/roman)] Обращение Воронаевой Е.А. ко всем церквям ХВЕ которые находятся в не единства. Одесса 01.10.1958 год. Перепечатка к распространению по церквям. [Description (original non-English/roman language/script)]
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