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The Dellenbaugh Papers Vol.1-7: Exploration and settlement records of the Mormon Church [microform]: 1929
Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Huntington Library
Mormonism and the West
Rights Information
For information on using Huntington Library materials, please see Reproductions of Huntington Library Holdings:
Microfilm of research material collected by Frederick Dellenbaugh when he was acting as a witness in United States vs. Utah (1929), a Supreme Court case centering on the ownership and riparian rights of the Green, Colorado, and San Juan riverbeds (the case was decided in favor of Utah in 1931). The material is identified as "Collection C "“ The Dellenbaugh Papers Vols.1-7. Exploration and Settlement Records of the Mormon Church." The typed documents consist of excerpts of letters, newspaper and journal articles, pioneer reminiscences, and other manuscripts related to Mormon settlement of the Southwest. The material is identified as Complainant's Exhibits 620-626, and the seven volumes are identified as follows: 1. General Notes "“ Exploration of Southern Nevada "“ Beale's Wagon Road "“ The Camel Experiment "“ Callsville (Call's Landing-Colorado River) "“ Mexican Traders from Village of Chama, N.M. to Salt Lake City, 1853 "“ Moab Region (Journey there, 1853, Cliff Dweller Ruins described) "“ Mancos War 1880 [frames 1-16]. 2. Exploration "“ Southern Nevada-Colorado River "“ Las Vegas Mission, 1855-1856 [frames 17-41]. 3. Elk Mountain Mission History, 1855 "“ Settlement of Moab [frames 42-60]. 4. Exploration of Southern Nevada "“ St. George Stake, 1851-1866 "“ Lower Virgin River "“ Lower Colorado River "“ Call's Landing "“ Hardy's Landing "“ Jacob Hamblin to Hopi Towns [frames 61-76]. 5. Settlement of Kanab Region "“ Southern Utah "“ Kanab Stake, 1865-1874 "“ Pipe Springs "“ Jacob Hamblin to Hopi Towns [frames 77-113]. 6.Expedition to the Colorado River, 1864-1865 "“ Call's Landing "“ Journal History, January-June 1865 [frames 114-121]. 7. Settlement of San Juan Region "“ Bluff 1879-1884 "“San Juan Stake [frames 122-163]. All inquiries about this item should be directed to the H. Russell Smith Foundation Curator of Western Historical Manuscripts at the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA. Microfilm. San Marino, Calif. : Huntington Library Photographic Dept., 1949. 1 microfilm reel : negative 35 mm. Forms part of the Manuscripts Department's Mormon file, c.1805-1995.
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh (1853-1935) was an explorer of the American West. From 1871-1873 he served as artist and assistant topographer with Major Powell's second expedition down the Colorado River and traveled extensively throughout the American Southwest from 1871-1907. in 1899 he joined the Harriman Alaska Expedition and also made sketching trips to Iceland, Norway, the West Indies, and South America. He served as librarian of the American Geographical Society from 1909-1911, was a fellow of the American Ethnological Society, and helped found the Explorer's Club in 1904. Dellenbaugh also wrote a variety of books about his experiences, including The Romance of the Colorado River (1902), Breaking the Wilderness (1905), and A Canyon Voyage (1908). He retired to upstate New York and died in 1935.
163 frames.
MSS MFilm 00145
Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935
Frontier and pioneer life--West (U.S.)
Land tenure
Land use--West (U.S.)
Mormon Church--History--19th century
Mormon pioneers
Mormons--West (U.S.)--History
Riparian rights--West (U.S.)
Arizona--History--To 1912
Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico)--History
Green River (Wyo.-Utah)--History
New Mexico--History--1848-
San Juan River (Colo.-Utah)--History
West (U.S.)--History--19th century
Reports West (U.S.) 20th century. (aat)
Mormon Manuscripts at the Huntington Library
Mormonism and the West, Huntington Digital Library
Microfilm of original loaned by the Arizona Pioneers Historical Society, December 16, 1948.

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