Spedalskhedsklinikken i Changhua, Taiwan, 1971. Denne taiwaneser kom en dag til klinikken, der ledes af den danske sygeplejerske Gerda Bech. "Han var ikke spedalsk, men materien løb ned ad begge ben, så han måtte stå på en avis, mens jeg undersøgte ham" fortæller Gerda Bech. "Jeg forklarede, at jeg ikke er læge, så han burde gå til et hospital. Han erklærede, at flere af hans venner var blevet hjulpet hos os, og da jeg ikke kunne få ham til at gå, bad jeg ham skrive under på, at han blev behandlet på eget ansvar, og at han havde fået besked om, at jeg ikke er læge. Hans underskrift var et tommelfingeraftryk. Han blev behandlet, og er rask nu." Gerda Bech, som er udsendt af Det danske Missionsselskab, der i år (1971) fejrer 150 års jubilæum, rejste til Kina i 1937 og har siden 1955 været missionær i Taiwan. (Tekst: DMS-billedtjeneste, 1971) The Leprosy Clinic at Changhua, Taiwan, 1971. One day this Taiwanese man arrived at the clinic
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The Leprosy Clinic at Changhua, Taiwan, 1971. One day this Taiwanese man arrived at the clinic, led by the Danish Nurse Gerda Bech. "He was not a leper, but having pus running down both legs, I had to place him on a paper while examining him" Gerda Bech tells. "Not being a doctor I told him to go to hospital. Declaring that some friends of him had good result of treatment at this clinic, he refused to leave. Then I asked him to sign a letter to confirm the treatment as his own risk, understanding that I am not a doctor. He did that with his thumbprint. He had the treatment and did recover well." Gerda Bech, sent by Danish Missionary Society, this year (1971) going to celebrate the 150 Years Jubilee, went to China in 1937 and has since 1955 served as missionary in Taiwan. (Text: DMS-billed-tjeneste, 1971).
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