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/ Oral History of Jean Coleman

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Oral History of Jean Coleman
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Jean Coleman, born Jean Spangler, was born in Fremont, Nebraska, and moved as a young girl with her family to Mill Valley in 1937. In her oral history, Jean remembers her childhood with friends, attending schools and church, and belonging to the Campfire Girls. Amidst the backdrop of World War II, Jean's mother died and her father moved away, leaving her with a relative and friends. After graduation from Tamalpais High School, she attended College of the Pacific, met and married her husband, Bruce Coleman, then traveled and lived abroad as well as in Mill Valley. Jean worked as a librarian in many Marin schools, and together with Bruce raised two sons, Steven and Joseph.
Campfire Girls
Coleman, Bruce
Coleman, Joseph Paul
Coleman, Steve
Gravander, Mama
Klyce, Harvey
Maguire, Edna
Mercer, Lucy
Methodist churches
MV history - Interwar years
MV history - WWI and WWII
Old Mill School
Pearl Harbor
Scout Hall
Seitz, Frances
Shibata, Akiko
Summit School
Tamalpais High School
Throckmorton Theatre
World War II

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