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Image / City Center Motel "diving lady" neon sign

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City Center Motel "diving lady" neon sign
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
History San Jose Research Library
History San Jose Online Catalog
Rights Information
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Large neon sign known as the 'Diving Lady." Elements include lit arrows, 'MOTEL" in vertical orientation, "CITY CENTER" lettering inside a red oval, and the diving lady character. Not to be outdone by a giant water wheel, the City Center Motel arrived in downtown San Jose in 1958. Marketed as San Jose's "finest" motel, the City Center offered "resort living" including steam heat, air-conditioning, and king sized beds. In 1960, a swimming pool was added. The pool was followed by a neon diving lady pole sign that is viewable from the highway. A sign permit shows that the sign company was Ad Art, Inc. but it is unclear whether Ad Art was responsible for the original design. For those unfamiliar with Ad Art, the company was one of the top players in the U.S. sign industry in the 1960s.
Midcentury modern (Architecture)
Signs (Notices)
Neon lighting (LCSH)

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