A group photo of Lockheed Employees from the Wood Shop Department, undated but fashion suggests 1930s. The men's names are penned in above and below each one, but they are not all legible. Best decipherment from left to right top row: Truman Palmer, Bob Engart, George Fox, Walter Gurnee, A. Kovacs, Harry Wendon and left to right bottom row: Louis Basolo, Oliver Bearcroft, Andre Hill, Dewey Fox, and Max Basolo. This image came from a collection of images donated by the Delores Palmer Estate. She was a BUSD employee for many years and authored the book "A History of Burbank."
nonprojected graphic 6" x 7.5" image on copy paper
islandora:2580 local: pub00368
Burbank (Los Angeles County, Calif.)--Lockheed aircraft corporation--Transportation--Airplanes--Staff--Men--Wood Shop--Employees--Men's Fashion--Palmer, Truman--Basolo, Louie--Engart, Bob--Fox, George--Gurnee, Walter--Wendon, Harry--Basolo, Max--Bearcroft, Oliver--Hill, Andre--Fox, Dewey--1930s
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