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CONTENTS: Calendar of Seminars, Cover Illustration Description, Gadamer Lectures to Large Audience, New Seminar Studies Forbidden Gospels, Funk, Van Elderen Named Visiting Scholars, IAC Survey Team in Egypt, Personalia
Institute for Antiquity and Christianity Biblical scholars Tetradrachma Dido (Legendary character) Gadamer, Hans Georg, 1900-2002 Hermeneutics Meyer, Marvin W Apocryphal Gospels Funk, Robert Walter, 1926-2005 Nag Hammadi codices Qaṣr (Egypt) Excavations (Archaeology) Inscriptions, Coptic Inscriptions, Hieroglyphic Personalia Robinson, James McConkey, 1924- Van Elderen, Bastiaan Beebe, Keith
Periodical: Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Volume VIII, 1; March 1981; 12 pages
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