150 years Jubilee of DMS. Professor, DD Andrew Hsiao, the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong 150 års jubilæum, DMS. Professor, dr. theol. Andrew Hsiao, Den Lutherske Præsteskole i Hongkong besøger DMS, 19. marts 1971. Jubilæumsfejringen tyvstarter med, at professor Andrew Hsiao overrækker Det Danske Missionsselskabs formand, pastor Conrad Rendtorff en gave fra kinesiske kristne
150 years Jubilee of DMS. Professor, DD Andrew Hsiao, the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong visiting DMS , March 19, 1971. The anniversary celebration starts ahead of time, with Professor Andrew Hsiao, handing over a gift from Chinese Christians to the Chairman of DMS, Rev.Conrad Rendtorff.
Danish Missionary Society Danmission Det Danske Missionsselskab DMS Foreign visitors Udenlandske gæster FOLDER256 Kirke Mission Church Mission Conrad Rendtorff Andrew Hsiao Hongkong Hong Kong Den Lutherske Præsteskole - LTS Lutheran Theological Seminary - LTS Theological Education Teologisk Uddannelse DMS - 150 års jubilæum DMS - 150 years Jubilee Danmark Denmark
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