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“If it were possible to afford it, we should like to train every African to a trade. These lads, under carpentry &c. instruction, may become strong active Christians with a big influence among their people, for there are big openings for them. Some however take the gift of training without any corresponding change of heart.” Interior view of the carpentry workshop showing several indigenous men working with wood. Mr G.C. Cobb was employed by the mission to run the workshops and provide training to the local young men, from 1924 to 1928, before leaving to join the Church Mission Society [CMS]. ❧ Image from the collection of Dr Archibald Clive Irvine (1893-1974) showing the early years of the Chogoria mission, established near Mt Kenya in 1922 and run by Dr Irvine, ministering to the Chuka and Mwimbi peoples.
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