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Image / Heart's Delight Extra Choice Apricots label (Richmond-Chase Company, San Jose, California)

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Heart's Delight Extra Choice Apricots label (Richmond-Chase Company, San Jose, California)
Muirson Label Co. (San Jose, Calif.)
Contributing Institution
History San Jose Research Library
History San Jose Online Catalog
Rights Information
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This label for a 25 pound crate of apricots features a romantic view of a valley full of orchards. "Heart's Delight" was a generic label used by the Richmond-Chase Company in San Jose, California. The different types of fruits packed by Richmond-Chase would be printed in the white area of the label. Founded in 1919, by Elmer E. Chase and Edmund N. Richmond, the Richmond-Chase Company operated as an independent cannery until 1958. They operated a 27-acre plant in San Jose and 21-acre plant in Stockton. Hundreds were employed at the peak of each season. In 1958 Richmond-Chase became a division of the California Canners and Growers, which closed in 1982.
Muirson Label Company
Richmond-Chase Company
Fruit crate labels
Fruit industry

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