30 christian girls from Port Arthur district gathered for Bible study and get together activiti 30 kristne piger fra Port Arthur distriktet samlet til bibelkursus og samvær i Port Arthur, sommeren 1940. Markeret med et X er bibelkvinde frk. Ku, der ledede kurset og markeret med B er to blinde piger fra Mukden, der holdt ferie i Port Arthur
30 christian girls from Port Arthur district gathered for Bible study and get together activities in Port Arthur, summer 1940. Marked with an X is bible woman Miss. Ku, who led the course, and marked B are two blind girls from Mukden having holidays in Port Arthur
FOLDER081 Danmission Danish Missionary Society DMS Bibelkursus Biblecourse Bibelkvinde frk. Ku Bibel women Ms Ku Kirke Mission Church Kina China Port Arthur Kirke Mission Church Mission
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