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Clair Engle was a Democratic member of the California Senate elected in 1936, and a member of the United States House of Representatives, from California's 2nd district, from 1943-1959. He worked to expand the California Central Valley Project and served on several committees while Congressman and Senator. Engle authored or co-authored 104 bills that were signed into law. In 1963, the United States House of Representatives rejected an extension of the Bracero Program, and when non-work benefits braceros received were denied to United States workers, its popularity plummeted. The bracero program was terminated in 1964. This audio tape was recorded only 2 months before Engle underwent surgery to remove a fatal brain tumor. California Audiovisual Preservation Project
Original 1/4 inch audio tape
1 Tape of 1 00:04:40
California State University, Chico, Meriam Library California Revealed is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.
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