Den Gassisk Lutherske Kirke – FLM, Madagaskar. Hyrdegudstjeneste med forbøn for syge. (Hyrder er lægfolk - mænd og kvinder, som efter 2 års undervisning bliver indviet til tjeneste i kirken. Her er deres opgaver centreret om at vise omsorg for syge og uddrive onde ånder. Ud over den traditionelle gudstjeneste søndag morgen, som præster står for, afholder hyrderne gudstjenester med stærkt vækkelsespræg, hvor der er også er forbøn for syge samt dæmonuddrivelse. Under tjenesten bærer hyrderne en hvid dragt og kvinder også en hovedbeklædning) The Malagasy Lutheran Church - FLM, Madagascar. Shepherd Worship Service with Intercession for
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
The Malagasy Lutheran Church - FLM, Madagascar. Shepherd Worship Service with Intercession for the sick. (Pastoral shepherds are lay people - men and women, who after two year's education are consecrated to church service. Their mission has focus on care for the sick and exorcism. Besides the traditional Sunday morning church service, led by the Pastors, the shepherds are in charge of worship services with a strong revival touch, including intercession for the sick and also exorcism. Under the service the pastoral shepherds are wearing a white costume and women a headwear, as well).
Danish Missionary Society Danmission Det Danske Missionsselskab DMS FOLDER225 Hyrdegudstjeneste Shepherd Worship Service Madagaskar Madagascar Den Gassisk Lutherske Kirke - FLM The Malagasy Lutheran Church - FLM Kirke Mission Church Mission Forbønstjeneste Intercession service
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