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ff. 1-667. [William of Waddington, attributed to] Manuel des Péchés. Incipit: Ieo crai dirom comunalment/ En dieu le pier omnipotent. Explicit: Et en le noun saint marie/ Amen Amen chesconne homme die. French. F. J. Furnivall, ed., Roberd of Brunnè's Handlyng Synne (written A.D. 1303) with the French treatise on which it is founded, Le Manuel des Pechiez by William of Wadington. Roxburghe Club 81 (London 1862), and, by the same editor, omitting the sections of the Manuel des Péchés not utilized by Robert of Brunne, in EETS os 119 and 123 (London 1901-03); the following references are to the Roxburghe edition. HM 903 contains the prologue,"Book" 2 with the articles of faith, but lacking the seventh (ff. 1-6; Roxburghe, 1-6, 415-25), the rest of"Book" 1 through"Book" 5 (ff. 6-44; Roxburghe, 6-348), and"Book" 6, being the"Petit Sermun" (ff. 44-48; Roxburghe, 426-34)."Book" 7 begins with the prologue"Lumer indeficient" (f. 48r-v; Roxburghe, 348-49), and gives first the"graces" (ff. 48v-53; Roxburghe, 370-95), then the"points" (ff. 5357v; Roxburghe, 350-69), and the Latin verses with their exposition (ff. 57v-58; Roxburghe, 395-96, n. 3);"Book" 8 follows with the material on prayer (ff. 58-62; Roxburghe, 396-404); the prayers to Christ and the Virgin constitute"Book" 9, followed by the epilogue (ff. 62-67; Roxburghe, 404-14). This manuscript has 61 tales, omitting nn. 7, 28 and 56 as listed in J. A. Herbert's discussion of London, Brit. Lib., Harley 273 in Ward, Cat. of Romances 3:272-84. See E. J. Arnould, Le Manuel des Péchés; étude de littérature religieuse anglo-normande, XIIIe siècle (Paris 1940) with a list of 24 manuscripts, including HM 903. ff. 140-205v, 68-123. [Robert de Gretham] Le miroir ou les évangiles des domnées. Incipit: //Car lui riche est aysetz/ Et lui pover est mesaisetz. Explicit: Issi finissent les omelies/ Des Evangels brefment exponies/ Ore prie touz que les oent et dient/ Qe il pur l'alme del l'exponur [written over an erasure?] prient/ Qe deu maintigne s'alme finie/ Et pur lui sait en sa ballie/ Cy termine le mirour/ Des omeliez la doucour. French. M. Y. H. Aitken, étude sur le Miroir ou les évangiles des Domnées de Robert de Gretham (Paris 1922), based on 5 manuscripts, HM 903 not included. This manuscript is bound incorrectly, and it begins defectively in the first Sunday of Advent (perhaps missing the second half of quire 8, which would have been the"i" signature of the second roman numeral series, amounting to approximately 576-688 verses); also missing material from the end of Pentecost to the beginning of Trinity Sunday. On f. 170v, lower margin, s. XV:"Nota quod deficit hic exposicio v diei dominici post octavam epiphanie scilicet Regressus est ihesus in virtute spiritus sancti in galileam et fama erat per universam regionem de eo.". ff. 123-139v. Ewangelium de apostolis, Item Evvangelium de martiribus and Plurimorum martirum. Incipit: Est cele contemple ihesu crist/ a cez desciples issi dist/ Ceo est le meen comandement/ Ke amez entrechaungeablement. Explicit: Quant en le ciel serra ove ihesu/ En deu nous maint par sa vertu. Amen. French. Three metrical sermons written in the same style as those by Robert de Gretham. See C. G. Laird,"Five New Gretham Sermons and the Middle English Mirrur," PMLA 57 (1942) 628-37 for this material and two sermons of the preceding text. The running headlines, s. XV, in the upper margin are: Ewangelium de apostolis, Item Evvangelium de martiribus and Plurimorum martirum. On f. 139v, in the main scribal hand,"God almyghtfull save al Rightfull/ Wys alle Willeffull, help all Nedfull/ Gladde alle sorufull, haf mercy/ Of alle Synnefull"; see IMEV 981?; printed in C. Laird,"A Fourteenth Century Scribe," MLN 55 (1940) 601-03. Title from printed catalog Support: Parchment. Script: Bastard anglicana. Layout: 1¹⁰ 2-4⁸ 5¹²(+4, f. 38) 6-7⁸ 8(ff. 64-67, uncertain structure; f. 67 cut in half) 9-10⁸ 11⁶(+2, f. 85) 12⁸ 13⁶(+3, f. 101) 14-16⁸ 17¹⁰(through f. 139) 18-21⁸ 22⁸(+6, f. 177) 23⁶ 24⁸ 25¹²(-12); quires 18-25 should have been bound between quires 8 and 9. Catchwords on quires 1 and 2; quires signed in roman numerals, i-vii, then in letters, a-i for the section of ff. 68-139, then in roman numerals, ii-viii. 2 columns of 36-43 lines, frame ruled in lead with the top, middle and bottom 2 horizontal lines full across; double vertical rules to the left of each column and in the right margin; a third vertical rule divides the columns; slash form pricking visible in the 3 outer margins. Span folios: ff. 1-205v. Other Decoration: Opening initials, f. 1, 5-line blue, and f. 68, 4-line parted red and washed-out blue, both with rough red flourishing; 3- and 2-line initials, alternating red and blue, some with simple void designs; alternating red and blue paragraph marks. The texts have been carefully corrected throughout with the corrections entered in the margins and the erased areas prepared with chalk for new writing. Notes, possibly contemporary: f. 67v, "expensis augusti prima septimana xiiii s. xi d."; f. 140, written below each column and erased, "Hic deficit in __?___aria" (has been read "libraria"). Running headlines and other notes added in the margins, s. XV. Assigned Date: s. XIVmed. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/30/2012. Cataloged from existing description: C. W. Dutschke with the assistance of R. H. Rouse et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, 1989). Bound, ca. 1840, in English half russia. HM 903. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
Sin--Early works to 1800 Bible. Epistles--Paraphrases Bible. Gospels--Paraphrases Marginalia (aat) Decorated initials England 14th century. (aat) Manuscripts (documents) (aat)
Manuscripts, Huntington Digital Library
On f. 139v between the end of the text and the prayer a contemporary erased inscription in the hand of the text reads:"A Johan __?___ li Romance." On f. 1, the early or mid-fifteenth century ownership note of the Benedictine abbey of St. Mary in York:"liber Monasterii beate Marie Eboracensis emptus per fratrem Clementem Warthwyk, qui Alienaverit Anathema" (Ker, MLGB, 217); also on f. 1, a seventeenth century pressmark,"M." By 1870 the manuscript belonged to William Constable-Maxwell, 10th Lord Herries (1804-76), in whose collection it was seen and noted by J. Stevenson in the 1st Report of the HMC, Appendix (1871), p. 45. It subsequently belonged to Lord Herries' daughter, the Duchess of Norfolk who disposed of a portion of the manuscript collection, ca. 1912 (see De Ricci,"Bibliotheca Britannica Manuscripta: a survey of manuscript material existing in the British Isles; preliminary bibliography," handwritten index cards at the University of London, photocopy at the Huntington Library). Sold by W. H. Robinson, Cat. 12 (Newcastle 1925), n. 384. Acquired by Henry E. Huntington in June 1925.
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