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La Habra School was built in 1896 where Washington Middle School is now located. Left to right, front row (all students): Monroe Calderwood, Albert Launer, Nelson Launer, Herbert Little, Bertie Berdine, Harry Aldrich, Bill "Even" Morlan, Ross Hodson, Guy Smith, Lester Baldwin, Chalk Warne, Wade Hodson, Edgar Luehm, Lawrence Warne. Back row: Agnes Hole, Flora Luehm, and Birdie Reed (on donkey), Lee Calderwood (holding horse), Claude Smith (on bicycle), teachers Tillie Hassheider and Mabel Hodson, Clara Luehm, Lida Gould, Olga Luehm, Gladys Reed, on mule: Wesley Bush, Willis Calderwood, unknown, Willard Calderwood, Vivian Bush, on horse: Irene Morlan, four girls in the middle: unknown, unknown, Mary Buch, Eva Calderwood (The students were identified by Flora Luehm.).
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