I 1987 holdt Dansk Missionsråd sit 75 års jubilæum. Samarbejdet med de lokale kirker i missionsområderne og med de danske missionsselskaber blev fejret med 25 gæster fra Afrika, Asien og Mellemøsten. Det sluttede med en stor konference i Herning Kongrescenter, hvor der også var inviteret 1500 danske gæster. Her: Biskop Katembo Kainda og frue fra Zaire In 1987 the 75th Jubilee of Danish Mission Council was celebrated. The Partnerships with local
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In 1987 the 75th Jubilee of Danish Mission Council was celebrated. The Partnerships with local churches of the Mission Areas and the Danish Mission Societies were marked by inviting 25 delegates from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The Jubilee terminated with a big conference at Herning Congress Center, also attended by 1500 Danish delegates. Here: Bishop Katembo Kainda with wife from Zaire.
Danmission FOLDER038 Det Danske Missionsselskab Danish Missionary Society DMS Dansk Missionsråd Danish Mission Council Jubilæum 75 år Jubilee 75 år Herning Kongrescenter Herning Congress Center Internationale Gæster International Delegates Katembo Kainda Mrs Katembo Kainda Zaire Denmark Danmark Kirke Mission Church Mission Portrætter Portraits
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