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Text / Kungminhoe. Correspondence, pre-World War II. 1914-1941

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Kungminhoe. Correspondence, pre-World War II. 1914-1941
국민회. 2차 세계 대전 이전 서신.1914-1941.; Korean National Association. Correspondence, pre-World War II. 1914-1941
Publication Information
University of Southern California. Libraries
Contributing Institution
University of Southern California Digital Library
Korean American Digital Archive
Rights Information
East Asian Library, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1825
Send requests to East Asian Library, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0154 or
© 2000 University of Southern California University Libraries; Copyright: May 22, 2000; May not be copied without permission of the Korean United Presbyterian Church.; License begins: 5/22/2000 0:00:00; From materials owned and maintained by the Korean United Presbyterian Church.; Korean Presbyterian Church
Item abstract: Various correspondence on the Kungminhoe's activities and members
Box abstract: Correspondence between Kungminhoe and the chapters in Hawaii, Mexico, and Cuba regarding the reports on the meetings, activities, membership news and the records of Kungminhoe's political movement for Korea
Unit_ID: page001. -- Title: Pumchongso : Hungsadan to Kungminhoe re Korean education. -- Title_from_original_object: A petition. -- Principal_date_range: 1914.
Unit_ID: page002.
Unit_ID: page003. -- Title: Colombia. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores to Korean National Association. -- Principal_date_range: 1932-08-30.
Unit_ID: page004.
Unit_ID: page005. -- Title: Thanks letter to Helen Lim (YKNA) : re Olympic athletes. -- Principal_date_range: 1932-09-11.
Unit_ID: page006. -- Title: National Recovery Administration. Foreign Language Division to Korean National Association : re the foreign language press. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-04-23.
Unit_ID: page007. -- Title: California Joint Regional Code Authority to Korean National Association : re The Price Determination Schedule. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-04-25.
Unit_ID: page008. -- Title: California Joint Regional Code Authority to Korean National Association : re The Price Determination Schedule. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-05-07.
Unit_ID: page009. -- Title: Editor of the New Korea (Sinhan Minbo) to Regional Code Authority : re The Price Determination Schedule. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-05-15.
Unit_ID: page010. -- Title: California Joint Regional Code Authority to Earl K. Paik, New Korea (Sinhan Minbo) : re The Price Determination Schedule. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-05-18.
Unit_ID: page011. -- Title: Earl K. Paik to mother. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-09-14.
Unit_ID: page012. -- Title: Clinton E. Worden to Earl K. Paik. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-10-13.
Unit_ID: page013. -- Title: Clinton E. Worden to Earl K. Paik. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-10-09.
Unit_ID: page014. -- Title: Augustus Bedlow Prichard to Earl K. Paik : re Pyon-ki Yean. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-10-26.
Unit_ID: page015. -- Title: Earl K. Paik to Augustus Bedlow Prichard : re Pyon-ki Yean. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-11-01.
Unit_ID: page016. -- Title: Earl Coleman (Sheriff's office, Ada County, Boise) to Earl K. Paik : re Chong-ok Im Case. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-12-24.
Unit_ID: page017. -- Title: Note regarding Chong-ok Im Case.
Unit_ID: page018. -- Title: Earl K. Paik to Earl Coleman : re Chong-ok Im Case. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-12-29.
Unit_ID: page019. -- Title: Edna M. Jones to Earl K. Paik : re Chong-ok Im Case. -- Principal_date_range: 1935-01-09.
Unit_ID: page020. -- Title: Sherwood Hall (Christmas Seal Committee of Korea) to Korean National Association : asking financial aid. -- Principal_date_range: 1934-12.
Unit_ID: page021. -- Title: Earl Ku Paik (Korean National Association) to Sherwood Hall. -- Principal_date_range: 1935-01-08.
Unit_ID: page022. -- Title: Kungminhoe : the proposals by San Francisco Kungminhoe. -- Principal_date_range: 1936.
Unit_ID: page023. -- Title: Kyong-sik Choe to Chin-ha Choe : about death of An Chang-ho and the expansion of Kungminhoe. -- Principal_date_range: 1938-04-22.
Unit_ID: page024.
Unit_ID: page025. -- Title: Sojourner Truth Home to Korean National Association : a copy of a letter sent to Kilsoo Haan. -- Principal_date_range: 1939-01-25.
Unit_ID: page026. -- Title: California Department of Employment to Korean National Association. -- Principal_date_range: 1939-03-16.
Unit_ID: page027. -- Title: Jose Muniz to Korean National Association : re helping Korean in Cardenas. -- Principal_date_range: 1939-04-22.
Unit_ID: page028. -- Title: Kungminhoe. Tampico, Mexico to Kungminhoe : re sending money. -- Principal_date_range: 1939-11-28.
Unit_ID: page029. -- Title: Phillip Park to Pyong-yon Kim : re Yang-mok Mun. -- Principal_date_range: 1940-12-25.
Unit_ID: page030. -- Title: Note on Yang-mok Mun [verso].
Unit_ID: page031. -- Title: Hau to Korean National Association. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-04-30.
Unit_ID: page032. -- Title: Sidae Han to Korean National Association. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-05-05.
Unit_ID: page033. -- Title: Sa Sun Whang to Korean National Association : re Chang Su-yong. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-05-10.
Unit_ID: page034. -- Title: Kitangbokeen Um to Korean National Association : re Kwangbokkun. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-06-05.
Unit_ID: page035. -- Title: Korean National Association to K. Kingstone : re Kwangbokkun. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-06-06.
Unit_ID: page036. -- Title: J.W. Inwood (Western Union) to Korean National Association : re an opened account. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-06-09.
Unit_ID: page037. -- Title: Korean Provisional Government to Korean National Association. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-06-19.
Unit_ID: page038. -- Title: Si-dai Hahn to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the President of US : re negotiations between U.S. and Japan. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-08-31.
Unit_ID: page039. -- Title: Yongjeung Kim to Franklin D. Roosevelt : a condolences telegraph. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-09-08.
Unit_ID: page040. -- Title: Pyong-yon Kim to Si-dae Hahn : an urgent telegraph. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-11-08.
Unit_ID: page041. -- Title: Pyong-yon Kim to Charles Ho Kim : an urgent telegraph. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-11-08.
Unit_ID: page042. -- Title: E. Hong to Korean National Association : re Kwangbokkun. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-11-25.
Unit_ID: page043. -- Title: Korean National Association to George A. McCune : a condolences telegraph. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-12-05.
Unit_ID: page044. -- Title: Korean National Association to S.H. Chun : re the funeral of McCune's father. -- Principal_date_range: 1941-12-05. [Contents]
44 pages
kada-m15161 [Legacy record ID]
Koreans--United States
Time Period
University of Southern California [Contributing entity]
gendb id: box05/Item008 [Identifying number]
Documents of the KNA Building
Korean American Digital Archive
Kungminhoe. Correspondence

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