Image of birds on a lemon branch with leaves, flowers and fruit against a red background. "Western Litho.Co. Los Angeles."--text, bottom right of margin. "They have merit inside"-- text, top right of image. "Limoneira Company Santa Paula California"--text, bottom left of image. "117"--text, bottom right margin.
1 lithograph : color printed ; overall 23.18 x 33.18 cm (9 1/8 x 13 1/16 in.)
Birds--Pictorial works Citrus crate labels--California--Santa Paula Citrus fruit industry--California Flowers--Pictorial works Lemon--Pictorial works Limoneira Company Fruit crate labels--Color--1900-1925. (gmgpc) Lithographs--Color--1900-1925. (gmgpc)
Huntington Prints and Ephemera Collection Citrus Label Collection Prints and Ephemera, Huntington Digital Library
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