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Image / Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Cardinal Mahony

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Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Cardinal Mahony
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Photographers Photo Collection;
Leonard, Gary
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Title supplied by cataloger.
In this photo we see Cardinal Roger Mahoney standing inside the construction site of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angeles. Construction began in October 1998 with work on the Parking Garage. Excavation for the foundations of the Cathedral began in May 1999. The formal Blessing and Dedication took place on September 2, 2002. Upon completion, the site of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels was 5.6 acres bound by Temple Street, Grand Avenue, Hill Street and the Hollywood Freeway. The 12-story high building can accommodate 3,000+ worshippers, and includes the cathedral proper, a 2.5-acre plaza, several gardens and waterfalls, the Cathedral Center, and the cathedral rectory, the residence of Cardinal Roger Mahony. The Spanish architect, the world renowned, Pritzker Architecture Prize winning Professor Jose Rafael Moneo, designed it. The final cost of the new cathedral was $189.7 million. Photograph dated December 20, 2000.
1 photographic print:color ;13 x 18 cm.
Photographic prints
Gary Leonard Collection; Los Angeles Photographers Collection;
Mahony, Roger Michael,--1936-
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Building construction--California--Los Angeles
Catholic churches--California--Los Angeles
Church buildings--California--Los Angeles
Cardinals--United States
Bunker Hill (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Downtown Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Portrait photographs
Gary Leonard Collection photographs
Moneo, Jose´ Rafael

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