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Image / Chinese American Citizens Alliance Convention at Garnier Building

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Chinese American Citizens Alliance Convention at Garnier Building
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Photographers Photo Collection;
Quillen, Harry
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Title supplied by cataloger.
The Garnier Building dates back to the original Chinatown in Los Angeles. It acted as an important community resource for Chinese Americans and housed many social and business groups, including the Chinese American Citizens Alliance. The alliance worked as advocates against discrimination and were active in registering Chinese American citizens to vote.
Exterior view of the Garnier Building on N. Los Angeles Street. A sign for the Chinese American Citizens Alliance hangs above the doorway. Beneath the sign is a banner advertising the group's 20th Biennial convention held on September 1949. The United States Courthouse is visible in the distance.
1 negative :safety ;10 x 13 cm.
Photographic safety negatives
Harry Quillen Collection; Los Angeles Photographers Collection;
Garnier Building (Los Angeles, Calif.)
United States Court House and Post Office (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Chinese American Citizens Alliance
Associations, institutions, etc.--California--Los Angeles
Office buildings--California--Los Angeles
Courthouses--California--Los Angeles
Post office buildings--California--Los Angeles
Banners--California--Los Angeles
Streets--California--Los Angeles
Bunting (Cloth)
Sidewalks--California--Los Angeles
Parking lots--California--Los Angeles
Automobiles--California--Los Angeles
Electric lines--Poles and towers
Street lighting--California--Los Angeles
El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Chinatown (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Old Chinatown (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Downtown Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Los Angeles Street (Los Angeles, Calif.)

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