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Image / 78 E. Blithedale Ave., 1983 186 Corte Madera Ave, date unknown

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78 E. Blithedale Ave., 1983 186 Corte Madera Ave, date unknown
unknown Warren A., Staiger
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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78 East Blithedale. This pale-colored stucco commercial building is located on a corner. It has three large windowed sections facing the street, The outer two sections have front-facing gables with decorative, curved half-timbered designs. The righthand third is a separate business with the name, "Aikido", over the window. This was the location of the original Banana Republic store and, unlike the left two sections, is divided into two floors of retail space. The caption from the 1983 Walk into History states, "In May of 1929, the city council approved the extension of the business district down East Blithedale to Sycamore. At that time, Mel Klyce was constructing this building as a garage for Walter Allen's Ford agency. In 1915 The Tamalpais Garage was located on Madrona St (Salvage Shop?) In 1932, Oliver Sollom bought the business from him and operated it until 1946. The following year it became a Van and Storage business operated by Hagan and Smith. It functioned as the Old Post Office Annex for some years. The Mill Valley Record and print shop operated here from 1967 to 1975. After 1975 the show room was a toy store for a short time. Since then it has been the Artisans' Gallery and workshops. The automobile ramp from Forrest still exists as part of the storeroom."
East Blithedale
Walter Allen Ford Agency
Hagan and Smith
Mill Valley Record
Artisans' Gallery
Banana Republic
Old Post Office Annex

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