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Image / Alexander Hamilton Junior High School

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Alexander Hamilton Junior High School
Contributing Institution
California State University, Dominguez Hills, Archives and Special Collections
South Bay Digital Collection
Rights Information
While the CSUDH archives and special collections is the owner of the physical item; the authorization for use and publication of this item may be subject to the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code). Any reproduction that does not qualify as fair use requires permission from the owners of the rights. It is the responsibility of the person using the image to obtain permissions and they are liable for any infringement. See:
Black-and-white photograph presumably taken in the aftermath of the 1933 Long Beach Earthquake. The photograph depicts Alexander Hamilton Junior High School in Long Beach, California.
Text on the back of the photograph reads: "Hamilton". Photograph is blurry but is presumably taken after the 1933 Long Beach Earthquake.
The 1933 Long Beach Earthquake Photographs Collection contains 62 black-and-white photographs taken in the aftermath of an earthquake that hit near Long Beach, California in 1933. Images in this collection show damaged buildings including a court house, O.A. Haley's, Jensens Bakery, Whittier school, St. Anthony's Church, W.M.F Lutz Co.,Geo E. Nygaard realtor, Hulburt Drugs,as well as images of cracks in the ground. Most of the images were taken in Santa Ana; Long Beach; and Compton, California.
1 photograph; 3.5 x 2.5 in.
Earthquake damage
Natural disasters
Long Beach, California
1933 Long Beach Earthquake Photographs;

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