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Image / W 41 Burn restocking with Douglas fir. Note the scattered seed trees …

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W 41 Burn restocking with Douglas fir. Note the scattered seed trees which have been responsible for seeding this area. This burn is about 20 years old. As this lies on the west side of Timber Berth "W" and the standing snags still constitute quite a menace we have had to watch it extremely closely. With each year, however, it becomes safer and if fire can be kept out for another 10 years it should cause very little worry
Contributing Institution
UC Berkeley, Bioscience & Natural Resources Library
Fritz-Metcalf Photograph Collection
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Location: average distance
Identification: exact ground location unclear, appears unknowable
No people present in picture
Fires - Burned areas
Trees - Seed trees
Pseudotsuga menziesii - Seed trees
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Fire hazards
Fire prevention

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