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Image / 102 East Blithedale, 1983 186 Corte Madera Ave, date unknown

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102 East Blithedale, 1983 186 Corte Madera Ave, date unknown
unknown Warren A., Staiger
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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102 East Blithedale This two-story, brown shingle building appears newly-constructed, with newly planted landscape shrubs around it.There is a bay window in front on the secont floor and a single dormer centered on the front roof. A broad, cornered stairway leads to the right half of the second story, where there is an entry porch with a multi-paned window along the right side. The enclosed caption, from the 1983 Walk Into History reads, "This house recently converted to offices was the home of the Lambretty family. Louis Lambretti was born here in 1910. He became a cement contractor and his name appears on pavements all over Mill Valley. In the 1920's it was occupied by thye Ferario family whose son, Louis is now a prominent ceramicist. (One of several families of Italian origin that settled in this area. Others include the Cavalli, Leoni, Tamourini, and Fillippi families). In the fall these families with Old World training, would pool their resources and buy grape tonnage from Sonoma vineyards and make their own wine. The aroma of fermentation was strong and unmistakeable. It was also easy to tell when it was Saturday night as the voices of Amos and Andy would drift from every living room radio."
East Blithedale

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