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ff. 1-103v. [Walter Burley, De vita et moribus philosophorum]: Rubric: De vita philosophorum et moribus veterum tractaturus multaque ab antiquis auctoribus in diversis libris de ipsorum gestis sparsim scripta reperi in unum colligere laboravi plurimaque eorum responsa notabilia et dicta elegancia huic libello inserui que ad legencium consolacionem et morum informacionem conferre valebunt. De Talete philosopho. Incipit: Tales philosophus asianus ut ait laertius in libello de vita philosophorum ... Explicit: scripsit eciam librum de naturalibus questionibus ad cosdre regem persarum. Explicit liber de vita philosophorum. f. 103v-104v: [Verses added by a later hand; includes]: Nunc lege nunc ora nunc cum femore labora/ Sic erit hora brevis et labor ipse levis; Inspice mentem discute mores acta resolve/ Semper ab hiis et in hiis potis cognoscere quid scis; Dum regunt vulve dicet gens tota simul ve[cancelled]; Est homo res fragilis durans nunc tempore// [ends incomplete]. [f. 104r-v blank]. Gualterus Burlaeus' (i.e. Walter of Burley's) De vita et moribus philosophorum written in the middle of the fifteenth century in England, or perhaps in France where it may have received its historiated initial and marginal spray. Span folios: ff. 1-104v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1-13⁸. Catchwords in lower right corner. 27 long lines ruled in red ink with the top 2 lines and the bottom line full across; single vertical bounding lines; pricking occasionally visible in the 3 outer margins. Written in a Bâtarde hand. Decoration: Opening historiated initial, 9-line, in white-highlighted pink on a gold ground with thin blue, rust and green acanthus leaves and spiky sprays in Continental style along the inner margin; in the center of the initial, a philosopher lecturing to his students, by the Master of Sir John Fastolf. 2-line blue initials with red flourishing; alternating blue and rose-colored paragraph marks; rubrics in the same rose-colored ink. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 8/23/2012. Bound in 18th century English russia; marbled endpapers; rebacked. HM 47405. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
Philosophy, Ancient Philosophers, Ancient Historiated initials 15th century. (aat) Manuscripts (documents) (aat)
Manuscripts, Huntington Digital Library
In England from an early date, as shown by the distinctly English decoration of the 2-line blue initials, and by the finding notes in the margins in an English hand. The only other copies of English provenance noted by Stigall are Cambridge, Trinity College O.2.50 (1154), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Temple University, Ms. 567 and Vatican, Reg. lat. 7147. On f. ii,"Hic liber est meus/ Testis est Deus," and the signature"Robt. Hill"; on f. iii,"R. Hill 1792." All three are heavily crossed out in ink. Acquired by the Huntington Library from Alan G. Thomas (London) in 1979 with the support of the Lois and Keith Spalding Endowment Fund.
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