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ff. 1-214v; ff. 215-217v blank. [Statuta vetera]. Latin; French. See below for 17 other texts that occupy sections of this codex. On ff. 209-210v, list of contents of the volume (for ff. 1-140v), followed by chapter lists of the Magna Carta, of the provisions of Merton, of the statutes of Marlborough, Westminster I, Gloucester and Westminster II. f. 8r-v. Sententia lata super cartas. Incipit: En le noun del pere e del fiz e seynt espirit. Cum nostre seignur le Roi al honur de dieu e del seynt eglise e a commun profit de tut le Reaume est grante pur luy. . .Nous Roberd Ercevesqe de Caunterbury e Primat de tut Engleterre amovescoms un foiz deus foiz e trois foiz puisse qe le brefte du tems plus longe delaie. Explicit: e de touz les sacrementz de seynt Eglise desceveroms. Fiat fiat amen. Rubric: Incipit sentencia super cartas lata. French. ff. 51v-52, 144v-145, 149-200v, 208v, 211v-212. [Materials relating to Scarborough]. Latin. For the register of writs on ff. 149-200v, please see entry for that text. ff. 73-84. Fet asaver. Incipit: Fet asaver a comencement de chesqun ple q est plede en la court le Roy. . .[f. 83v:] s'il n'ad renable enchesoun pur quay il n'y ad fet venir. Rex vicecomiti salutem. Precipimus tibi sicut alias tibi Precepimus quod corpus Rogeri Glere de Linne. Explicit: oportebit de corpore suo vel de predicto debito respondere. Et habeas ibi hoc breve. Explicit summa Fet asaver. French. G. E. Woodbine, ed., Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts (Yale University Press 1910) 53-115, followed straight on by a writ to arrest Roger Glere de Linne in execution of a recognizance made at Shrewsbury before Thomas Callou and Robert de Bockesers, clerk of the recognizances, to pay a debt to Richard, son of Richard de Bergh on 24 August 1299. ff. 84-104. Hengham Magna. Incipit: Licet ordo placitandi in curia domini Regis per leges et consuetudines Regni. Explicit: si docatur quod is de cuius seisina petit actor non fuisse in seysina rei petite tempore Ricardi Regis Avunculi Regis Henrici patris regis Edwardi sic peremptorie deciditur actio actoris. Explicit Summa Magnum Heyngham. Rubric: Incipit Magnum Heyngham. Latin. W. H. Dunham, ed., Radulphi de Hengham Summae (Cambridge 1932) 1-50. ff. 104-109v. Summa bastardie. Incipit: Nota quod si Bastardus se clamando legitimum heredem. Explicit: quamvis uxor infantis obierit dum fuerit in custodia. Nota si un home cleyme par meme le descent en bref de possession e l'autre met encountre Ly q'il est bastard qe unkes son pere esposa sa mere deit estre deit estre [sic] pris en la Curt le Roy. Explicit summa Bastardye. Rubric: Incipit summa Bastardye. Latin; French. Woodbine, Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts, p. 1 and n. 3. ff. 109v-118v. Hengham Parva. Incipit: Quinque sunt essonia primum de ultra mare secundum de terra sancta. . .si compertus fuisset tenens. Homagium est iuris vinculum quo quis astringitur ad warantizandum. Explicit: et si uterque consenserit potest homagium dissolvi quia nichil tam naturaliter et cetera. Explicit Summa Parvum Heyngham. Rubric: Incipit Parvum Heyngham. Latin. Dunham, Radulphi de Hengham Summae, 51-71; for the passage "Homagium est iuris vinculum. . .," see G. E. Woodbine, ed., Bracton on the Laws and Customs of England, trans. and with notes by S. E. Thorne (Harvard University Press and the Selden Society 1968-77) 2:228. ff. 118v-123v. Modus componendi brevia. Incipit: Cum sit necessarium conquerentibus in Curia domini Regis ut in suis casibus congruum exhibeatur remedium. Explicit: licet antecessor conquerentibus de pastura illa fuerit disseisitus. Explicit summa cum sit Necessarium. Rubric: Incipit Summa Cum Sit Necessarium. Latin. Woodbine, Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts, under the title "Modus componendi brevia," pp. 143-59, ending incomplete with respect to the printed text. ff. 123v-126. De corona. Incipit: Eodem modo quo quis feloniam facere potest interficiendo alium idem feloniam facere potest interficiendo se ipsum. Rubric: Incipit tractatus de Corona. Latin. nec sunt per plegios dimittendi nisi sit ex speciali precepto domini Regis et tunc fiat de hiis quod ser__?___itis fit de aliis et cetera. Explicit tractatus Corone. ff. 126v-128. Articuli corone. Incipit: Dictum est ut supra quod nemo potest habere Curiam suam de probatore et latrone cognoscente videamus ergo que placita pertinent ad Curiam et que ad Comitatum. Explicit: quod femine imponunt viro alicui de quo se dicit violenter oppressam et contra pacem domini Regis. Explicit Officium Corone. Rubric: Incipiunt articuli corone. Latin. ff. 129-130. De antiquo dominico corone. Incipit: Licet in antiquo dominico Corone non currat aliquod breve nisi parvum breve de Recto clausum. Explicit: propter quod si ego fuissem assignatus Iusticiarius ego secure procedere ad assisam sicut conueti [sic for "consuevi"] quid alii faciunt ignoro et cetera. Rubric: Incipiunt statuta de antiquo dominico Corone. Latin. A. J. Horwood, ed., Year Books of the Reign of King Edward the first, years XX and XXI. RS 39 pt. 16 (London 1866) xviii-xix , here ending incomplete with respect to the printed text. ff. 133-140v; f. 141r-v blank. Cadit assisa. Incipit: Edwardus dei gratia Rex Anglie Dominus Hibernie et dux Aquitanie vicecomitibus London. salutem. Si Willelmus de Kyrkeby. . ., Cadit assisa si petatur tenementum vel servicium per assisam. Explicit: sic inde [cancelled] probatur __?___ recte ut de Itinere W[illelmi] de R[alegha] in Comitatu [catchword:] Cantie//. Rubric: Incipit quedam summa cadit assisa. Latin. See Woodbine, Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts, p. 1 and n. 4 giving references to Bracton; the text is preceded by an assize of mort d'ancestor by William of Kyrkby in the time of Edward I. ff. 143v-144. [Medical astrology]. Incipit: Mens Ianuarius vinum ieiunus bibe. Latin. Other texts in this section include: Magister philosophorum computavit omnes malos dies tocius anni periculosos et sunt xxxta duos dies. . .[list of the dies nefasti or aegyptiaci in each month for beginning a new project, bloodletting or taking medicine]; Si quis in septimo die mensis marcii de dextro brachio sanguine minuerit. . .[bloodletting on special days to avoid loss of eyesight and fevers; special days in which to be born so as to never fall ill]. f. 145. [Claim to liberties]. Incipit: Iste libertates clamant habere ab antiquo. Burgenses clamant rendere dare et legare terras suas in lecto mortali. Explicit: Item habent placita que pertinent ad portum maris. Latin. ff. 145v-146. [Against abuses]. Incipit: De Articulis qui domini Regis scutagium contingunt. De magnatibus et aliis venientibus hospitaturis ad domos Religiosorum per gubernatorem earundem. Explicit: secundum quod in eisdem statutis continetur. Latin. Index of articles, largely against abuses by royal and franchisal officers. ff. 146v-148. Incipiunt Cronice Anglie [i.e. Chronology of England]. Incipit: Scire cupiens quis subscriptas interrogaciones de cronicis ponat prius annum dominicum in presenciarum ultimum. . .; Sepes trina canes et equus hominesque subaddas/ Cervos et corvos aquilas in maria cete. . .; Anni ab origine mundi __?___ septuaginta interpretes sunt. Anni ab incarnacione domini xxvus die marcii. Explicit: Qui vus die februarii in Angliam rediens xx die mensis eiusdem apud Westmonasterium est coronatus. Rubric: Incipiunt Cronice Anglie. Latin. Computistic material, 5 verses to determine the number of years between Adam and Christ, and a brief chronology from the birth of Christ to the coronation of Edward II in 1308; material on ff. 201-202 possibly intended as a continuation of this text. On f. 148, medical recipe added by a different hand. On ff. 148-149, writ in French to the sheriff of Yorkshire. ff. 149-200v. [Register of writs]. Latin. Register of writs, beginning with a writ of right brought by William of Scarborough against H. de Rostoun; text ends defectively in a writ to the justices of the forest beyond the Trent concerning the lawing of dogs. ff. 201-202. [Chronology of England]. Incipit: Anno domini Mo CCCo xi quinto kalendas Octobris ordinaciones cum exilio petri de gaveston cui Rex Edwardus filius Regis Edwardi contulit comitatum cornubie. Explicit: interfecti sunt scotti xxx Milia per Regem Edwardum tercium post conquestum. Latin. Chronology of the years 1311-33, apparently intended as a continuation of the material on ff. 146v-148. Flyleaf, f. iii: f. 1r-v. [Gradual]. Latin. For the mass of the third Sunday in Lent and the following Monday. Layout: 10 lines of text and music. Music: English square notation on 4-line red staves. Constitutes flyleaf, f. iii, in the parent volume. Assigned Date: s. XIII. Title supplied from printed catalog. Support: Parchment. Script: Anglicana. Layout: 1-3⁸ 4⁴ 5-9⁸ 10⁴(through f. 72) 11¹² 12-22⁸ 23¹² 24-25⁸ 26⁴(through f. 204) 27² 28¹⁰(-9; +2 leaves at the end). Catchwords in inner lower margin. Usually 28-32 long lines, ruled in lead, with double vertical bounding lines for the written space, and with additional sets of double rules in the 3 outer margins; slash prick marks in the 3 outer margins. Span folios: ff. 1-217v. Other Decoration: 6- to 4-line parted red and blue initials infilled with grotesques in void technique on ff. 1, 133, 149; the initial on f. 1 also with red and blue cascade border, the others with red and blue flourishing; 6- to 2-line parted red and blue initials with infilling of leaf designs; 4- to 2-line alternating red initials with blue flourishing or blue with red. Assigned Date: s. XIV2/4. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 1/23/2012. Cataloged from existing description: C. W. Dutschke with the assistance of R. H. Rouse et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, 1989). Bound, s. XVII, in English parchment over pasteboards, gold tooled; on spine "M.S.S." stamped in gold on blue leather label; "Statutes of Edward I" lettered in ink, s. XVIII, below the label; at the bottom of the spine, an animal (?) stamped in gold. HM 923. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
Numerous references in the text to Scarborough point to early ownership in that town. On f. iii, pentrials, s. XV, including "dymnok" and "kalwater." On f. 215v, s. XV, "Iohannes Vear miles de Comitatu Essex," "Iohannes Veer," and "Omnibus christi fidelibus ad quos hoc presens scriptum pervenerit Iohannes Vear Armiger salutem in domino sempiternam"; notes in Vear's hand also on ff. 81, 94, 108. On f. 207v, s. XVII/XVIII, "Will Shallcrosse Booke," "John Shallcrosses Book," and "Jhon Shallcross Book Jhon" in a different hand. On the front pastedown, armorial bookplate of Holland House with motto "Vitam impendere vero," and Huth bookplate with traces of Huth's original, larger bookplate on the endpaper behind it. Acquired by Henry Huth (1815-78) from Quaritch in 1875; The Huth Library (London 1880) 4:1397.
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