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ff 1-66, 66v-83, 84, 85-125v, 126-158v, 159v-160v. [Statuta vetera] Latin; French. f. 66r-v. De antiquo dominico corone. Incipit: Licet in antiquo dominico corone non currat aliud breve nisi parvum breve de Recto clausum. Explicit: nisi forte ius habeat in aliqua dote secundum consuetudinem manerii. Rubric: Incipit tractatus de antiquo dominico corone. Latin. A. J. Horwood, ed., Year Books of the Reign of King Edward the first, years XX and XXI. RS 31 pt. 16 (London 1866) pp. xviii-xix , here ending incomplete with respect to the printed text. f. 83r-v. Placita corone. Incipit: In principio sciendum est quod omnia attachiamenta et placita Corone debent atthachiari [sic] per Coronatorem. Explicit: eiusdem ville inventoris Iusticis Itinerantibus. A. [?] et W. [?] et cetera. Rubric: Incipiunt placita corone. Latin. Note on coroners' duties concerning crown pleas to be taken before advent of justices, followed by 3 examples of crown pleas (abjuration of realm, accusation of rape, death by misadventure) occuring at "C. in Norfolk.". ff. 83v-84. Modus dirationis exceptiones. Incipit: Notandum est quod quatuor modis dicitur exceptio, scilicet exceptio dilatoria et exceptio peremptoria. Explicit: non valet ad aliam resortire responcionem. Explicit quot modis dicitur exceptio. Rubric: Incipit quot modis dicitur excepcio. Latin. ff. 84v-85. Exceptiones generales ad brevia. Incipit: Si nomen petentis vel eius cognomen non concordant brevi suo, si sit excommunicatus. Explicit: set si se absentaverit non amittet nisi breve. Expliciunt exceptiones generales ad brevia. Rubric: Incipiunt excepciones generales ad brevia. Latin. f. 125r-v. Revocacio brevium de audiendo et terminando. Incipit: Acorde est par nostre seignour le Roi et son conseil au parlement de Norhampton que touz les oyers et terminers grantez encontre forme de statutes fait en temps le Roi Edward ael le Roi qe orest. Explicit: ne est pas mys en estatut einz est baille en la Chauncellerie par bille et cetera et explicit. Rubric: Revocacio brevium de audiendo et terminando. French. This text also in HM 930, f. 12, HM 19920, f. 165 and EL 9 H 10, ff. 55v-56. ff. 158v-159v. [Writ]. French. Writ directed to Geoffrey Scrope, empowering him to receive the oaths of Lambert of Threekingham, John of Cambridge, John of Redenhall, John Randolf and Thomas of Louth for the opening of the eyre of Northamptonshire (6 November 1329), followed by the oaths for justices and for clerks, in French; see D. W. Sutherland, ed., The Eyre of Northamptonshire, 3-4 Edward III, A.D. 1329-1330. Selden Society 97 (London 1983) xlii-xlix, for brief biographies of these 6 justices. ff. 161v-163v. [Moot cases]. French. Added, s. XV: Five moot cases, in French, concerning wardship and land tenure, with the names of Alice Attedale, John de F., Margery Russell and Sybil Russell, followed by a note on the number of knights, of churches, etc. in England, signed "quod Pynchebek ." On f. 164, ownership note and note concerning exchequer distraints; f. 164v, blank. Title from printed catalog. Collection of statutes, and writs dating from the reigns of Edward I, II and III (1239-1377). A section on moot cases, in French, added in the 15th century. Support: Parchment. Script: Anglicana formata. Layout: 1-3¹² 4¹⁰(-10 after f. 45) 5¹⁰ 6¹⁰(-10 after f. 64) 7⁸ 8¹⁴ 9⁸(-1 after f. 86) 10⁸ 11-12¹² 13⁸ 14¹⁰ 15¹⁸(-18 after f. 160) 16⁶(-1, 2, 3; + contemporary flyleaf). Catchwords in the inner margin, still visible in quires 7, 11, 13, 14. 22-25 long lines, ruled in lead; slash prick marks at the 4 corners of the written space, and in the outer margin, most of the latter trimmed away. Other Decoration: 3- and 2-line red initials; some spaces reserved; 1-line initials within the text filled in red; underscoring in red. Running headlines across the opening; sections of the statutes numbered in the margins in roman numerals; omitted passages inserted between the lines or written in the margins. ff. 161v-163v: [added, s. XV] Five moot cases, in French, concerning wardship and land tenure, followed by a note on the number of knights, of churches, etc. in England, signed "quod Pynchebek." Assigned Date: s. XIV2. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 1/22/2012. Cataloged from existing description: C. W. Dutschke with the assistance of R. H. Rouse et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, 1989). Bound in contemporary oak boards, rebacked in half-sheep, fore edge strap closing to pin in the center back; hole from a previous pin visible in the center of the leaves from f. 143 to the end. HM 906. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
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