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Image / 206 East Blithedale, 1983 180 East Blithedale, c. 1983

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206 East Blithedale, 1983 180 East Blithedale, c. 1983
unknown Warren A., Staiger
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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206 East Blithedale Photo shows a cream-colored stucco building with dark wood trim. The left side of the building is one story with five large windows across the front and "Real Estate" written above the center window. A Dutch entry door is to the left of the windows. The right side of the building is two stories with a small wooden balcony on the upper upstairs in front of a bank of windows. Two tall windows are centered on the street level and an open parking lot across the whole front of the building. A caption from the 1983 Walk into History reads, "The south west corner of Millwood Street was a vacant lot until 1945 when a former war housing building was moved onto the site (a twin is at the SW corner of E. Blithedale and Hilarita). It was operated as a gift shop by Ruth Reynolds until 1959 when it was replaced by the present office building to which a second floor was added in 1977. It is now the offices of Cagwin, Seymour and Hamilton."
East Blithedale

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