Should auld acquqintqnce be forgot?! - By anniversary dinner at the YWCA presented Arcotkirkens Skuld gammel venskab rejn forgo?! - ved jubilæumsmiddagen i KFUK overrakte Arcotkirkens præsident, pastor Dorairaj Peter, en lille erkendtlighed til den 87-årige pastor Carl Bindslev, som var missionær i Indien fra 1911 til 1951. I baggrunden tidligere Indien-missionær Kirsten Lange
Should auld acquqintqnce be forgot?! - By anniversary dinner at the YWCA presented Arcotkirkens president, the Rev. Peter Dorairaj, a small gratuity to the 87-year-old pastor Carl Bindslev, who was a missionary in India from 1911 to 1951. In the background, former India missionary Kirsten Lange
Danish Missionary Society Danmission Det Danske Missionsselskab DMS Foreign visitors Udenlandske gæster FOLDER255 Indien India Kirke Mission Church Mission Danmark Denmark Dorairaj Peter Arcotkirken Carl Bindslev Kirsten Lange
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