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Image / Construction of centers note

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Construction of centers note
United States. Army. Signal Corps (photographer) (Creator)
Flaherty, John Melvin (collector) (Contributor)
Contributing Institution
San José State University, Special Collections and Archives
Flaherty Collection - Japanese Internment Records
Rights Information
For more information on copyright or permissions for this image, please contact San Jose State University Special Collections & Archives Department.
Photograph is of a type-written note regarding the Construction of the relocation centers.
Construction of centers' note. Flaherty Collection: Japanese Internment Records, MSS-2006-02, San Jose State University, Special Collections & Archives.
1942; 1943; 1944; 1945;
Scanned with Microtek Scanmaker 1000XL Pro; as a 600 dpi TIFF image in 8-bit Grayscale. Auto Level image processing applied and compressed into JPEG format using Photoshop CS3.
Construction of Centers To accommodate persons of Japanese ancestry subject to evacuation, pending their transfer inland, fourteen temporary Assembly Centers, and one Reception Center were constructed in the states of California, Oregon and Washington in the record period of an average of 21 days each. A former Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Arizona was conditioned as an Assembly Center also. Accommodations varied in capacity from 2,500 to 19,000 persons each. The one Reception Center, at Manzanar, Inyo County, California, was subsequently transferred to the War Relocation Authority, a civilian agency, and became one of ten Relocation Centers. The United States Army Engineers were responsible for the building of all Assembly Centers under the supervision of the Commanding General, Western Defense Command. Construction of the temporary Assembly Centers were necessary because of the need for speedy evacuation. This could not await the site selection for and construction of the Relocation Centers.
8 X 10 in.
filename: fla_album_137
oclc: 556269942
islandora: 62_271
Forced migration
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945
World War II, 1939-1945--Japanese Americans
Flaherty Collection: Japanese Internment Records

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