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“Aniwa - Rev. J. G. Paton’s house.” External view of John Gibson Paton’s thatched house. A few people are seated on the veranda, obscured by bushes at the front. Paton and his wife, Mary Ann Robson, arrived at Aneityum [Anatom] in 1858. When he and his followers were forced to flea the island of Tanna in 1862, Paton was sent to the Australian colonies to promote the Presbyterian cause and to raise funds for a mission vessel. Paton arrived back in the New Hebrides in 1865 and instigated an appeal by the missionaries for the punishment of the Tannese for their killing of British subjects. In August 1865 the Curaçoa shelled villages at Port Resolution and its sailors made an armed landing. After the events of 1865 it was not possible for him to return to his former field on Tanna, and he was therefore sent to the small island of Aniwa which was to be Paton's base for the next 15 years. The whole population of Aniwa, numbering about two hundred, eventually adopted Christianity.
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