Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189 Public Domain. Release under the CC BY Attribution license-- both “University of Southern California. Libraries” and “California Historical Society” as the source. Digitally reproduced by the USC Digital Library; From the California Historical Society Collection at the University of Southern California Send requests to address or e-mail given USC Libraries Special Collections
Photograph of Broadway from 4th Street looking north, Los Angeles. The Stack Building is visible about midway up on the east side of the street. There are many horse-drawn vehicles in the dirt street. Many pedestrians on the sidewalks. Streetcars are visible further up the street. At the far end of the street is what appears to be a tunnel entrance. Legible signs include: ..."Securities", "Christian Science Reading Room", Dr. W.E. Neel, dentist", "Dr. W.F. Kennedy, dentist", ..."cigar"..., "T. Billington Co. carpets"..., "Candies", "So. Cal. Music Co., wholesale and retail dealers in musical instruments of every description. Chickering, Vose and other good pianos. Pianolas and Aeolians. We sell musical instruments, large and small, on easy payments", "Pretz", "342, Berlin Dye Works, 342", "Dying, cleaning", "346, souvenir goods, 346", ..."shells".
1 photograph : glass photonegative, b&w 21.5 x 16.5 cm. glass plate negatives photographs
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