Make plans for first high school graduation exercises
Alternative Title
Valley Times Photo Collection
This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Made accessible through a grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation and Photo Friends.
Photograph caption dated January 28, 1957 reads, "Lots of work - Making decorations for their senior breakfasts are these student leaders at Reseda and Birmingham highs. Above, members of Reseda 'Premiers' - their name for graduating class - are, from left, standing, Kay Hubbell, Barbara Barnes and Doug Ward; seated, Kenda Christianson and Barbara Bernstein. Below are Birmingham 'Olympians,' from left, seated, Sue Pollock, senior breakfast chairman, and Charmaine Breckenridge, assistant chairman; and, standing, Nazar Ashjian, senior class treasurer; Ron Griffeth, senior president."; See images #00031363 through #00031369 for all photos in this series.
Reseda High School (Los Angeles, Calif.) High school student activities--California--Los Angeles High school graduates--California--Los Angeles High school seniors--California--Los Angeles Schools--California--Reseda (Los Angeles) High schools--California--Los Angeles Young women--California--Los Angeles Young men--California--Los Angeles Decoration and ornament--California--Los Angeles Reseda (Los Angeles, Calif.) Valley Times Collection photographs
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