This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Made accessible through a grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation and Photo Friends.
Photograph was edited for publication purposes Dog obedience classes are sponsored by the Valley Obedience Club and taught at Mrs. Campsie's residence in Reseda, CA. Photograph caption dated April 9, 1959 reads, "'Pretty dull stuff, this 'long sit' command, but trainers say it's important in dog discipline,' says Beau, white standard poodle who reviews his school days in this picture story of dog training classes sponsored by Valley Obedience Club. At command of their owners dog [sic] remain in sitting position until owners, who are outside fence, return to ring."; See images #00118450 through #00118456 for all photos in this series.
1 photographic print :b&w ;26 x 21 cm. Photographic prints
Valley Obedience Club Women--California--Los Angeles Men--California--Los Angeles Dog owners--California--Los Angeles Women dog owners--California--Los Angeles Dogs--Training--California--Los Angeles Dogs--Obedience trials--Novice classes Dogs--California--Los Angeles Poodles--California--Los Angeles German shepherd dog--California--Los Angeles Irish setters--California--Los Angeles Chihuahua (Dog breed)--California--Los Angeles Yorkshire terrier--California--Los Angeles Wire fencing--California--Los Angeles Trees--California--Los Angeles Electric lines--Poles and towers Smoking--California--Los Angeles Cigarettes--California--Los Angeles Dwellings--California--Reseda (Los Angeles) Reseda (Los Angeles, Calif.) Valley Times Collection photographs
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