Image / No. 11. Missionare von Mangalore
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- Title
- No. 11. Missionare von Mangalore
No. 11. Missionaries in Mangalore
- Date Created and/or Issued
- 1887/1889-06-30
- Publication Information
- University of Southern California. Libraries
- Contributing Institution
University of Southern California Digital Library
- Collection
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
- Rights Information
All the images (photographic and non-photographic) made available in this collection are the property of the Basel Mission and are managed by mission 21. mission 21 / Basel Mission claim copyright on the images in their possession and require those publishing any of the images--both individuals and organisations--to pay a user's/copyright fee.
Contact the Archives of mission21 at address mentioned or at
mission21, Missionsstrasse 21, CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland, tel. (+41 61 260 22 42), fax (+4161 260 22 68)
- Description
- Annotation translation: "1. Huber, Buchshop 2. Miss. Bertsch of the Brahmin Girls' School 3. Sieber, Trading Company 4. Mrs Hauri 5. Brother Hauri, Kudroli Brick Works, died Juni 1889 6. Mrs Ernst 7. Brother Ernst, kanarese (?) teacher at the Catechist Seminary 8. Mrs Staib 9. Brother Staib. Both are now in Europe 10. Mrs Diez 11. Brother Diez, Malayalam teacher and head of hte Catechists' Seminary 12. Brother Männer, Congregational pastor, District Prases and member of the local committee [of the Basel Mission] 13. Mrs Männer 14. Brother Hirner from Böblingen, head of the Printing Press 15. Mrs Hirner 16. Th. Els. 17. Stierlen, head of the weaving shop in Balmatta 18. Danz from Korntal, head of the English-medium school 19. Altenmüller, Trading Company, now responsible for the Kudroli Brickworks bookshop. 20. Mrs Altenmüller 21. Baumann, head of the Jeppu brickworks. 22. Mrs Baumann 23. Hoch of the Catechists' Semianry, currently in Europ
24.Mrs Hoch 25. Mrs Schenkel from Basrur, a sister of Mrs Hirner.."
Annotation: "1. Huber, Buchhandlung 2. Frl. Bertsch, Brahm. Mädchen Schule 3. Sieber, Handlung 4. Frau Hauri 5. Br. Hauri, Kudroli Ziegelei, gest. Juni 1889 6. Frau Ernst 7. Br. Ernst, kanaresisch (?) Lehrer am Katech. Seminar 8. Frau Staib 9. Br. Staib. Beide sind jetzt in Europa 10. Frau Diez 11. Br. Diez, Malayalim Lehrer & Vorsteher des Katechistenseminars 12. Br. Männer, Gemeinde Vorsteher, Districts Praeses & General Ausschuss Mitglied 13. Frau Männer 14. Br. Hirner von Böblingen, Vorsteher der Presse 15. Frau Hirner 16. Th. Els. 17. Stierlen, Vorsteher der Balmatta Weberei 18. Danz von Kornthal, Vorsteher der englischen Schule 19. Altenmüller, Handlung, jetzt für Kudroli Ziegelei bestimmt 20. Frau Altenmüller 21. Baumann, Vorsteher der Jeppu Ziegelei 22. Frau Baumann 23. Hoch, Katechisten Seminar, egenwärtig in Europa 24. Frau Hoch 25. Frau Schenkel von Basrur, Schwester von Frau Hirner."
- Type
- image
- Format
- b/w positive, paper print, albumen
18.0 x 26.5 cm.
- Identifier
- impa-m40998 [Legacy record ID]
- Subject
- Altenmüller, Heinrich (Mr)
Altenmüller-Christen, Louise (Mrs)
Baumann-Pfund, Anna Maria (Mrs)
Baumann, Jakob
Bertsch, Elise (Ms)
Danz (Mr)
Diez, Carl August Ernst (Mr)
Diez-Blandford , Elisabeth (Mrs)
Elsaesser, Theodor (Mr)
Ernst, Carl (Mr)
Hauri, Rudolf (Mr)
Hauri-Christen, Maria (Mrs)
Hirner, Gottlob (Mr)
Hirner-Fritz, Mathilde Emma (Mrs)
Hoch, Marc (Mr)
Huber, Johannes (Mr)
Männer, Jakob Friedrich August (Mr)
Männer-Zerweck, Caroline Christiane Rosine Elis. (Mrs)
Hoch-Pfleiderer, Deborah Johanna (Mrs)
Schenkel-Fritz, Auguste Josephine Henriette (Mrs)
Sieber, Jakob (Mr)
Staib, Ferdinand (Mr)
Staib-Vogel, Friederike Caroline (Mrs)
Stierlin, Friedrich (Mr)
Ernst-Fieg, Bertha Elise (Mrs)
Basel Mission Trading Company (firm)
Basel Mission Press, India
Banyan tree
Bookseller m
Men's wear
Mission industry
Mission publishing
Mission school
Mission trade
Missionary f
Missionary m
Superintendent m
Teacher f
Teacher m
Trader m
Weaving mill
Women's wear
- Place
- 1887/1889-06-30
- Source
- QL-30.007.0011 [Reference number]
QU-30.015.0004 [Same image reference number]
- Relation
Historical Photographs from the Basel Mission
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
Private Collection
QL-30.007: untitled
impa-m15099; impa-m17436
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