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Image / 247 East Blithedale, 1983 180 East Blithedale, c. 1983

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247 East Blithedale, 1983 180 East Blithedale, c. 1983
Warren A., Staiger
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
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247 East Blithedale Photo show a small wood-frame cottage with a porch across the front. It's painted light blue with white trim, has a centered entry door and single double-hung window on each side. There are stairs leading up to the center of the porch from the front garden. The caption from the 1983 Walk into History reads, "This blue frame house was built in the 1890's by Manuel Cardoza, a retired artichoke farmer from Half Moon Bay. His grand-daughter, Kate came to keep house for him. In 1906 she married a man of Spanish descent named Budar. He was Mill Valley fire chief from 1907 to 1909. They had two children, Clayborn in 1907 and Randolph in 1908 (he died young). Th Budars moved into an apartment next to Dowd's and he ran a harness shop and operated a taxi service, first with a house and buggy and then with a Fort Auto until his death in 1922. The widow returned to 247 E. Blithedale. Clay worked for the MVWD for three years and then from 1927 to 1965 worked for the Bank of Italy (later the Bank of America). Kate Budar worked for the city of Mill Valley at the Golf Clubhouse. She lived in the house until her death in 1969. Clay sold the house in 1978. It was occupied by the Louis Lambretti family after 1969. Clay married Nancy Taylor of 22 Sycamore in 1937. They live in San Rafael."
East Blithedale

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